1504 Lenna Ave. Seffner, FL 33584
813.689.7107 office / sales@gpmfab.com
Welding & Fabrication Shop
We Specialize in Prompt & Convenient Services
Industry Supply & Custom Tool Manufacturer
Fabrication Services
GPM provides the following products & services to the Waterworks, Gas, Plumbing and building industries.
½” to 12” diameter in Domestic & Import Pipe cut to Length.
Full Line of Domestic & Import Pipe Nipples & Fittings
Various Custom Items such as Brackets, Straps and Supports
Many Types of Pipe Tools including Pipe Stands, Valve Stem Extensions, T-Handle Wrench or any Custom Part per Your Specification.
Custom Designed, Fabricated and Installed Pipe Racks for Trucks
Water works tools include stands, valve stem extensions, Tee wrenches, as well as any other custom tools made to your specifications.
We repair farm equipment, mowers, trailers & misc.
At GPM Fab & Supply, we Cut, Thread, Weld, Groove and Bevel pipe, most sizes from ½” to 12” diameter in Steel, Brass, Stainless, and Aluminum.
Bring us your idea, and we will build it!
NPT Threads, Cut & Roll Grooves, Mig Welding - Carbon & Stainless Steel, and Aluminum, Saw & Torch Cuts.